This is a brief explanation of what happens during an eye examination and how we will take care of your vision. As everyone's eyesight is different, we tailor the eye examination to your individual circumstances. This may include the following elements and other tests where appropriate, based on our professional evaluation of your visual requirements.History and Symptoms
We firstly discuss any problems you may be currently having with your general health and eyesight. A lot of eye conditions are health related so this is an extremely important question.
Eyewear Assessment
We will discuss your work and leisure activities to enable us to give the correct advice on the right product which we are recommending. Your current spectacles if worn are also checked to see if they are still suitable for your vision.
In this part of the examination we will look at whether you require optical lenses to correct your vision. We will test your distance vision for TV and driving, your intermediate distance for any computer work or hobbies you may have, and your near vision for reading.
This is a very important part of your eye examination as it checks the health of your eyes. A bright light will be shone into your eyes by a hand held instrument called an Ophthalmoscope, this enables the Optometrist to see internal parts of your eyes clearly. During this part of the examination we check for problems such as Cataracts or Diabetes.
Intraocular Pressure
This is a test, which is generally carried out on anyone over the age of 40 or anyone who has a direct family member who has glaucoma. Too much pressure in the eye may indicate glaucoma and if left untreated can cause serious problems.
Visual Fields
One of the main signs of glaucoma is a loss of peripheral vision. This test enables us to check your peripheral vision and can also pick out any other potential problems which may affect your peripheral vision.
At the end of the eye examination the Optometrist will discuss their findings of the sight test including your vision and eye health. A recommendation will be given to you that takes into account your individual needs and lifestyle. You will also be issued with your optical prescription.
If at anytime during your test you do not understand something we say, please ask for an explanation.